by Admin | Sep 29, 2021 | Misinformation
It might sound counterintuitive, but the controlled distribution of fake news could be effective in mitigating growing infodemic, denialism, and conspiracy theories. In the last few years lot of research was made around opinion bubbles, fake news origin and...
by Silvia Vergani | Feb 11, 2020 | Misinformation
The global health emergency brings infodemic risks under the spotlight You should eat garlic, put on sesame oil or gargle mouthwash to protect yourself from infection with the novel coronavirus. In the last weeks the Internet and social media got filled up with odd...
by Silvia Vergani | Sep 16, 2019 | Misinformation
Algorithms decide what we find online, selecting contents that are closer and closer to our opinions, habits, desires and even emotions. The risk is to find ourselves entrapped in a filter bubble. The World Wide Web promise – spread information and knowledge, favour...
by Silvia Vergani | Dec 12, 2018 | Misinformation
Fake news develop where people surrender to exercise critical thinking. But latest report from Italian authority AGCOM denounces the lack of quality information, particularly when dealing with science, technology, and finance While EU Commission launches a new action...
by Silvia Vergani | Jul 10, 2018 | Misinformation, Storytelling
Fake news grow on the Internet and social media up to six times quicker than reliable news. But far more worriesome is the increasing polarization of online information, and the confirmation bias that lets people believe only what confirms their preexisting...